




Jesus’ death and torturous sacrifice is for all creation and us as imagebearers all the more incredible when you consider he did it all fully human and fully God. At no point during His life here on earth did He allow His humanity to swallow His divinity. Nor to have His divine life overpower His human frailty. He was partaking wholly in humanity and wholly in Trinity at every single second. Moment by moment held in tension. He lived and then died human too. He spent three days fighting for His body. In fact did not leave His humanity behind even in His resurrected immortal body. He came back human – eating, speaking, vulnerable, embodied and touched. Appearing to the women first and only then the men. His human embodiment raised up incorruptible. When Thomas touched Him, we discover that He also retained His wounds! This throws into question how we define perfection. He exists resurrected and re-designed as the first fruits of the resurrection of All Things. The cross, death and resurrection has a ripple effect, both backwards and forwards, in the timeline. Jesus fulfilled everything predicted of Him. Every promise, every covenant, every Psalm, every law, as a fully human man and then ascended to the right hand of the Father, as the only begotten Son. He is there now, with all things under His feet, human now, and forevermore. The Trinity has welcomed His humanity into full fellowship.

Firstborn of New Creation


We were made in the image and self-portrait of Christ from the start: human. So we are modelled after the second person of the Trinity, the Son. We were great imagebearers, who subsequently fell and no longer respresented God well. We became more like poorly lit selfies. Until Jesus comes, as the professional and perfect self-portrait of God, now we can see what we were meant to be from the start, but could never attain. He has to grow into His imagebearing ability as both the Son of God and the Son of Man, which He does in moment by moment choices. In his death, He enters into our broken selfie imagebearing as he takes on our sin and dies, only to rise again as the first-born and first fruits of the Coming Kingdom. Every prototype is the fulfilment of the blueprint and template for many others to follow. We will all be raised into a new incorruptible human body, exactly like Jesus’ resurrected body. He is right now the prototype of what we will become as new Humans in the New Heaven and New Earth. Indeed He became a creature to redeem all of Creation and made of atoms to save every atom. The resurrection is the dynamo that will transform all that we see and all that we don’t see into the likeness of Jesus from start to finish.



The theme of Re-Design is something all creatives understand. While working on an architectural plan, a website, doing project management or hearing from a client in a consultation, we have all had to work with other factors to achieve the right results. God has worked with us, making us players on the stage of Creation. Our choices, successes and failures are all woven into the overall design. A patchwork of glory and gore and loose ends, which when turned over, we get to see what God was doing all along. He has been working on the same project all along and will bring it to a glorious completion. Indeed, our work and lives are included and given a prominent position as we are His imagebearers.

Entering into the story…

To be like Jesus, as resurrected and renewed human persons, is not just our future hope. It is our present calling. John’s first letter twice exhorts the church that the sign of being in God’s love, individually and communally, is that “in this world” we are to look “like Jesus”! Listening to Jesus and the Father by the Spirit, we are to participate with the Triune God in the life of the Kingdom already in our midst, empowered to participate in both glory and suffering. – Cherith Nordling

Embodied Spirituality in Practice


23 Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. 24 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 25 Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.

– John 12:23-25


Getting in touch with our own baptism into Christ’s  life, death and resurrection…

Notice the Tension between Death and Resurrection in the gospel account. Where do you feel…

     Death is a pre-requisite to Resurrection. We cannot receive resurrection unless we partake of death. Sometimes, we think the reverse is also true, if we had not sinned, we would not need Christ. However, it may have always been the plan that Christ would come in human form. How else would God make one family out of Trinity and Humanity forever. The start of the Bible is about a Trinitarian God making all things, but Creation and Imagebearers have no place being in true Trinitarian Fellowship with God. Only when Jesus comes as the Spirit of Christ born into the human race do we have a mediator between God and man. Only He is the Way, the Truth and the Life to bridge the gap between eternal God and finite man. God wants to marry the two into a new reality. The end of the book seems to lead us back into relationship, just like the start… But actually it is more than that, it is a marriage between image and Imagebearers. The two shall become one. We will always be human and God will always be God, but now our humanity has a place of permanent home in Trinitarian Fellowship, all because of the God-Man, Jesus. He is the missing link so to speak between God and Man.

Life comes out of death.

23 Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. 24 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 25 Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.

– John 12:23-25

The lamb slain from the foundation of the world has been the template for how new life comes from the start. There is a change from living for self to becoming something of a metamorphosis from one state to another. Death is the step in between, a loss of the old and a birth into the new. It is transformative, painful, surrender, sacrifice, loving, the loss of all things. A change has to occur in us for new life to spring forth. We are filled with potential, but it has to be sacrificed and then we become made new. We are perfected through the things we suffer. If this is the template used in the prototype of Christ, how much more true will it be for every other son or daughter of God to be brought to glory in His image?

Howard Malmstadt was a modern spectroscopist, futuristic innovator, and prolific educator. At the height of his career, he left to become a missionary with Youth With A Mission and co-founded what would become the University of the Nations.

Tom Bloomer (Provost Emeritus of the UofN) says the following about him:

What did Howard leave us? Many things could be said, but here are some that stand out to me.

— A brilliant example of lifelong learning that is innovative and modular

— A wide-angled vision of missions defined at its broadest, including the Arts, the Sciences, in other words all of the Lord’s Creation: it all fell, so it must all be redeemed. Jesus came for that purpose, and He calls us to join Him on that path.

— A collaborative way of working that was team-based and committed to the success of others

— An intense desire to help others learn, every day, at every meal, at any cost

— A restless creativity that wonderfully diverged from the paths others trod

— A clear-eyed view of the stakes involved in training for missions: the same as his training in World War II, a matter of life and death for multitudes

— A rigorous commitment to excellence that was an example even to the scientific community

But above all, Howard was to me an example of excellence crucified. Like Jesus whom he followed, he was not content to stop with being excellent; but he turned his back on the recognition, finances and positions that could have been his at the height of his scientific career and joined . . . us. YWAM. He turned his back on the contemporary idol of excellence for the sake of excellence, and laid his professional life down to come and help clear weeds from the grounds of a broken-down hotel in order to start building a University that would become, in the phrase he received from the Lord in prayer, a “multiplier for missions.” Then he spent the next 25 years working at educating us toward his vision of this global university that would significantly advance the Kingdom of God.

So what must we do to receive Howard’s inheritance? It’s simple, but far from easy: Spend a lifetime becoming excellent in one area, then allow the Lord to break that excellence into pieces, to be able to use it to feed needy multitudes.

Here is a related Spiritual Practice called “Healing” for you to explore.



At each step along the itinerary of the Biblical Timeline we will look at how the following themes come into play at each juncture of the journey…

Creative expression




Mako Fujimura is forging a new kind of art not just through his work, but with his life. An internationally renowned painter, he is also a deeply generous spirit, as dedicated to the welfare of his community — the art community, his church, his neighborhood—as he is in the purity and integrity of his craft.

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Creative Assignments


add-e1557741871377.png Assignment: Think about the Resurrection accounts. How does the prototype of Christ show you how your body will be resurrected too? We will be New Creatures, made of Atoms like creation, able to eat, will we have scars as He does? Why does He have scars? Read 1 Corinthians 15 and write a few paragraphs in response to it envisioning your own resurrection body and how you think it will be based on what you have discovered in this stop of the Biblical narrative. How does Jesus continue to be The Image of God now and for all eternity as fully God and fully man?

This is a chance to express yourself creatively. Perhaps something in this part of the timeline has challenged, excited or inspired you. You may want to think about how you could express that through drawing, writing, painting, filming, designing or photographing something to share with others here at

Optional: In addition to the assignment above, please write a haiku, poem, song or create a piece to express yourself and share it with us!

Submit Creative Assignments

This is where Creative Imagebearers submit their creative assignments for each module of the coursework.

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    Final Take-Away to give context…


    Jesus’ death was torturous. He said to the Father, ”If there is any other way, let this cup pass from me”, but then submitted sacrificially to have His body broken and His blood poured out for us, a sacrificial lamb. He is the image of God sacrificed for all imagebearers to be found in Him. He also said, “Take up your cross and follow me!” So, we are called to follow the lamb of God to the cross too. We are not promised safety, what God has done in Jesus, He longs to do in us. So, just as Jesus’s body was laid into the grave, it was the same body that was raised back to life. Just as He suffered much, we will also suffer. As the world hated Him, it will hate us. But be of good cheer, He has conquered the world, sin and death and by this one seed falling into the ground and dying, all of us, in resurrected bodies like His will be raised up when He returns again and makes all things new. Heaven and earth united.

    He took His excellence to the cross and became nothing for us. He lived a life of sacrifice, a man under authority to the Father and submitted to the Holy Spirit moment by moment. In the Garden of Gethsemane he begged, “Let this cup pass from me, but not my will, your will be done.” This was a man who was totally submitted to God. What He models in life, He also modelled in death. Like Isaac he laid down His life. Jesus becomes the fulfilment of every covenant in life and in death, He is the fulfilment of the sacrifice to make a way for all creation, all families, every nation and ushers in a new kingdom, everlasting and incorruptible. One not made by human hands and everlasting. He is the prototype of this new reality. 

    Just as Jesus has a resurrected body, so will we. He is the first-fruits of the New Creation: A new Heaven and a New Earth. In fact all of reality will be redeemed and recreated based on Him. Just as we were made in the image of the Word of God in the beginning. So, all will be made anew in the image of Him in the end. All things will be placed at His feet. He is incarnate now, after the ascension and seated at the right hand of God once more. The second person of the Trinity and the second Adam for ever. What God did in Christ, perfecting Him in His suffering. He will do in us too. So, if we suffer, we recoginise the deeper purpose of pain is to make us in His image, in life, in death and in the kingdom to come. We will rule and reign with Him as His creative imagebearers both now and forever. 

    Your take-away


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