“… An eye opening message” – Eunje

“You have brought clarity on thoughts and concepts that I couldn’t have comprehended so easily before” – Anastasia

“What a unique teaching style” – Rachel

“This has changed my thinking of myself, God and our story and made it so real for me” – Rayna

“It caused me to assign a higher value to my humanity and the humanity of others, and taught me how Jesus – who was fully God and fully man – embraced both his nature as a man and as part of the Trinity” – Joseph

“Thanks for the courage to be vulnerable and the enthusiasm behind creativeimagebearers.com” – Daniel

“An incredible job of explaining some complicated topics” – Alayna

“I enjoyed it so much” – Rachel S.

“Thank you for debunking so much religious baggage” – Lesley

“It was revelation of just how human Jesus is!” – Jennifer

“Thank you for helping us to grow as Creative Imagebearers!” – Kelsey

“You’ve taught me so much about the Bible and how to interpret it! Thank you!”

“This message is so relatable and vulnerable” – Tiffany

“I learned so much about the Bible and God’s story that I had never heard or seen before” – Justine

“Thank you for bringing a whole new perspective to the way I view God’s story!” – Lauren

Thanks for teaching me about our place in God’s big story! I feel so encouraged” – Rachel

“Thank you, I loved learning how relational God is, even within Himself; Father, Son and Holy Spirit” – Jennifer

“I admire your gift in bringing together so many big picture truths, concepts and beliefs and connecting them in real and emotionally present ways enabling others to join in” – John

“I am so inspired” – Jaline

“Such great teaching and storytelling” – Johanneke

“This has made me reflect on so many things” – Gabriel

“Thank you so much for all of your stories and helping me to see the big story of the bible as a story I get to join in with” – Matt

“I’ve come to so many realisations on the depth of the Biblical narrative calling us Image Bearers!” – Gabriella

“Incredible! I am learning how to be human again – we bear the image of God! This has transformed my view of life, I am looking forward to learning even more!” – Monalisa

“I have been given a total new perspective on life, seeing Jesus as Human, like us!” – Mona

I have seen a huge pressure and a whole lot of guilt lift off my shoulders, it has been replaced with awe, curiosity and gratefulness! Thank you for focusing on Jesus’ humanity and what that means for our own!” – Annette

“So Gentle but such passionate teaching” – Aaron

“Thank you for sharing God’s story with me, I love the way you presented the narrative of God’s story through the bible. It’s amazing to see God in this new light! Thank you again!!” – Josh

“Your teaching shocked me, I felt like I was in the Bible story. This topic was new to me, but I so enjoyed it. May God bless you more and more” – Jefina

“Thank you so much for teaching us about the story of God and Jesus coming in a human body. He lived as a human being, He suffered His whole life and he died as a human being, only then to be resurrected fully human after dying on the cross for us! It is powerful to see His humanity and ours as the same. This was so powerful and extremely helpful to me” – Rui

“This was both intriguing and liberating! Thank you” – Joe