




God spoke all things into existence, He is before all things. All things were created in Him, by Him, through Him and for Him. He holds all things together right up until this moment. He will also redeem all things and reconcile All things to Himself. The gospel message is cosmological. God is not out to simply save souls, but to redeem the whole cosmos. All we can see and all we can’t see; every atom, every creature, and longs to welcome back every imagebearer. We are His priests in the temple of Creation, with heaven and earth re-united. Every human being is designed to be His Creative Imagebearer. We reflect Him to the world in our humanity and we can, in the likeness of Christ, bear His divine image out into the world.



We are made to image God as Human beings. We will always be human. In the beginning, in the middle and in the end of all things. We never become something other than human.

In a Garden Temple


The Creation account in Genesis has many similarities with the Dedication of a Temple. The writing structure in Genesis 1 goes through a week long dedication ceremony., into which God places His Imagebearers. It is similar to the account of the Tabernacle in the wilderness and Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. In each case, human beings as God’s image on earth are placed at the centre of worship to God. God said not to make images of Him, because He already has made us in His image, as human beings!

Entering into the story…

There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine! – Abraham Kuyper

Embodied Spirituality in Practice


In the early church, especially in monastic traditions, each monk would have a small room in which he would pray, serve God, grow vegetables and do creative work. This cell was the hub of his life, his responsibilities and his calling. He would join with the others to have communal meals, worship and prayer. Often the younger monks would go to the Abba in their community to ask for advice or help with something that was hard to bare.

This cell is where His responsibilities and calling lay. He was often told,“Go to your cell and it will teach you everything you need to know.” The idea behind this was that in each monk’s call, he would find God’s grace for what is in his cell. Stay in your responsibility, calling, family and job. God will meet with you there in the midst of the everyday moments and give you grace to learn, faithfully carry , learn to rule and reign and be responsible within it. Wise words even for us today! When we embrace these tensions we become more fully human, just as God designed His imagebearers to be. God must be God and I must be content with being fully human!


Getting in touch with our human imagebearing responsibilities.

Notice how God uses what is in your cell to teach you as His human imagebearer.

When you go to your cell, what do you find there? 

Remember your cell is your present responsibilities, your family life, your human cell(s). 

Take a moment to think of all the things you must be responsible for and allow God in, to reframe everything in His presence…

What can you learn from your current responsibilities, calling, family life, health or circumstances? Can you see God in the midst of it all, working it all together for your good?

How can you become further aware and embracing of your own humanity as well as God’s nature as Lord of All?

Here is a related Spiritual Practice called “Household Economics” for you to explore.



At each step along the itinerary of the Biblical Timeline we will look at how the following themes come into play at each juncture of the journey…

Creative expression




Sharon is a missionary with Youth With a Mission in Harpenden, England

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Creative Assignments


A leaf, an animal, ecosystem, water cycle or weather patterns, human body, micro or macro creation.

add-e1557741871377.png Assignment: Do a Creation Discovery Devotional like this on any aspect of creation and make a powerpoint presentation of it to upload here.

Research and learn as much as you can about your chosen creature. Find out something interesting and surprising that you didn’t know or haven’t seen or realized before. Do as much research as you can so that you can share the creature’s attributes comprehensively.

e.g. the relationship between the flower and the bee in the case of the bucket orchid.

Illustrate something from Creation that inspires you in your own creativity. Paint it, film it, draw it or write about it. Then upload it for us to share it!

e.g. pictures and description of the flower (bucket orchid), its parts and the relationship it has to its environment.

Identify an example of the character of God revealed within your chosen aspect of creation. Ask questions like; Why did God create it in this way? What is He communicating through it? What did He prioritize in the design? etc.

To aid you in your analysis, ask yourself, what is the creature’s Form, Function and Relationship?
Form = What does it look like, what colours, shapes, what parts does it have?
Function = What is the function of each part as well as the creature as a whole? How do the different parts make up the whole?
Relationship = What relationship does the creature have with it’s environment? What defense mechanisms? What role does it play? How does it reproduce? What do these different facets say about the nature and character of God?

How can this be applied to our lives practically, what can we take from the devotion/discovery that can change the way we perceive God? Or is there something here that can be relevant to how we live our lives or interact with our environment? Do you have any scripture that will tie in well with the devotion or aspects of the creature chosen?


This is a chance to express yourself creatively. Perhaps something in this part of the timeline has challenged, excited or inspired you. You may want to think about how you could express that through drawing, writing, painting, filming, designing or photographing something to share with others here at

Optional: In addition to the assignment above, please write a haiku, poem, song or create a piece to express yourself and share it with us!

Submit Creative Assignments

This is where Creative Imagebearers submit their creative assignments for each module of the coursework.

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      File format options: jpg, gif, png, pdf, mov, mp4, m4v, avi, txt, docx, ppt
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    Final Take-Away to give context…


    We are constrained by Nature; everything God has created is finite: we are all faced with limitations that inspire great innovative creativity. We have to find ways to work within our constraints and overcome them. This leads to great creativity from the first scratchings on cave walls, which lead to icons, letters and language. We discover fire and how to harness it and use fuels to send imagebearers to the moon and the international space station.

    We are compelled by Nature. We see birds fly and long to do the same. We refuse to let our limitations hold us back from harnessing the power of nature to fling ourselves into the unknown. We are inquisitive, adventurous and inspired by the playground of learning we find in the created order. God has given us everything we need and is waiting for us to discover it all through science, technology and endless learning. Still, we must design according to human proportions e.g. finger spacing on a keyboard is set by our human hand span etc. God is creative and we are in His image!

    How does Creation inspire you? Spend time in nature. Look at little bugs, study things under a microscope. What gives you life? Photograph landscapes, study stars, how the brain works, look everywhere for new creatures, new ideas and new inspiration for your own development of colour theory, design principles or usability. Nature is full of surprises we have yet to still discover.

    Your take-away


    Additional Resources: