




From the start God gave us work to do. To engage with Him in creation and transform it using ingenuity. To form tools for music, architecture, culture, creative pursuits and to join with Him. We bring increasing Order, Beauty and Abundance as we extend the garden to the whole world. After the fall, we need to co-labour with God once more. Now, we get to bring Healing, Deliverance and Resurrection Life as well. God gives us tools to diagnose the health of every part of our being: body, soul and spirit and our whole human society, our communities and our nations. The Law is a tool to diagnose how sick we are. The covenants are a reminder that God has called us to image Him in creation, in family and in our work, as well as in every sphere of human society. Economics, family, science and technology, communication, education, government, church, arts and entertainment. We bear His image in every bit of human society there too. This is where we work to honour God, people find restoration to dignity, health and integrity; they join in an exodus into become more and more fully human as Imagebearers who are being liberated by God.

Despising Yourself


Shame, Blame and Hiding can and does destroy lives. When we have them at the core of our lives and build upon this despising of ourselves, we can become hugely successful and still not escape our despising. When God calls Moses and so many of the other human imagebearers of the Old Testament, they all have a “despise list” that they bring out to give reasons for why they are inexperienced, lack the abilities, character or strength for God’s call on their lives. We need to see ourselves differently so that we don’t become victims of despising our small beginnings.



Just as previously we looked at the Exile after the Fall, so God calls us to follow Him in an Exodus.  Just as we exiled ourselves from His presence through believing a lie, so now, God offers us the truth in order for us to choose to walk in His design for us as imagebearers. Walking this out is not easy, but it is liberating even as we look into the darkness of the world and indeed the darkness deep within our human hearts. He is calling us to repentance which is a complete about turn, and to march in the opposite direction into wholeness and integration. This takes huge courage. It is not easy to change the world unless true change takes hold of us first. God is good, but He is not safe!

Entering into the story…

The Christian mind is the prerequisite of Christian thinking, and Christian thinking is the prerequisite for Christian action. – Harry Blamires

Embodied Spirituality in Practice


Every part of human culture and society either images God in giving human beings dignity and value or in turn attempts to dehumanise, control or treat creation inhumanely. Often we can be doing both simultaneously.


Getting in touch with how to rule and reign over every area of life to glorify God in every nation, tribe and tongue.

Notice the Tension between every sphere of society. Each and every one of us may work in a particular sphere, but we are all engaged in every part to image God to the world. Much of the Old Testament deals with how God led Moses to set up societal structures. We need redemption in every area, none images God perfectly, why would they as they are made up of fallen imagebearers going about their work day.

God-given Authority: Justice

Reveals: God as King of Kings

Primary Attribute: Justice (not leadership)

Function: Enforce the civil law, which is the will of the people

God Governs: People up – concensus (God gives power to the people and they choose)

Population driven (serves people with Justice)

Elective, Consensus, Representative, Not the priesthood

God-given Influence: Laws of supply and demand

Reveals: God as Provider

Primary Attribute: Provision

Function: Provision, supply and demand, service

God Governs: Principles/Laws of Economics

Aid versus economics

The right to own land – private property

Living within your means

Generous giving and lending – borrowing integrity/responsibility

Limited debt – not perpetual, Work ethic and workers integrity

Gleanings, no poverty, stewardship of environment

God-given Authority: Love (If you don’t love you lose your authority)

Reveals: God as Abba Father

Primary Attribute: Love

Function: To nurture and love, responsible for primary education and discipline

God Governs: The Laws of Love, Chastisement, 

Brooding, Protection

God-given Influence: Inseparable from family, where family is involved, education increases exponentially

Reveals: God as Teacher

Primary Attribute: Wisdom

Function: Feed and inspire a motivation to learn

God Governs: Laws of Human nature and natural hunger for knowledge / the need to understand and be understood.

God-given Influence: Truth

Reveals: God as Living Word

Primary Attribute: Sovereign Will/Truth

Function: Tell the truth in love

God Governs: Laws of human nature

Truth is most powerful in a free forum

God-given Influence: Beauty

Reveals: God as Potter and Lover (Song of Songs)

Primary Attribute: Beauty, joy, enjoyment, music, recreation, sport

Function: To bring joy, rest and fun

God Governs: Laws of aesthetics

Rest and restoration, A sense of humour, Creative intuition

God-given Influence: Laws Of Nature

Reveals: God as Creator

Primary Attribute: Order and Power

Function: Laws of Nature

God Governs: Laws of Nature

Healing versus cure, Supernatural

Cause and effect, Hygiene,

sanitation, prevention, nutrition

Stewardship of the environment

God-given Authority: Moral Law

Reveals: God as Great High Priest

Primary Attribute: Mercy, Holiness, Righteousness

Function: Upholds Moral Law regardless of how much civil law changes

God Governs: Top Down – God appoints

Moral Model – a visible representation of God to the people

Absolute standard of truth

Not given territory or carts, just a small plot of land

Dependant on the people

Advisor to the King/Judge, not King or Judge

Essential to the health of a nation

Every part of society functions together like a cube where each of the corners is in tension with the other seven corners. If it was made of string, the cube would need tension to retain it’s shape. This is how tension works, each domain of society has sovereignty and they all only function together as a whole. If one area decides to rule over the others, God’s design is lost. They all are important and must be held in tension.

This whole section of the module is abbreviated from a wonderful book called “Old Testament Template” by Landa Cope.

Here is a related Spiritual Practice called “Keeping Sabbath” for you to explore.



At each step along the itinerary of the Biblical Timeline we will look at how the following themes come into play at each juncture of the journey…

Creative expression




Jeremy Cowart has spent the past 15 years as a photographer, specializing in celebrity portraiture and humanitarian photography projects around the world. Before becoming a photographer, he spent time as both an abstract painter and a graphic designer.

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Creative Assignments


add-e1557741871377.png Assignment: Every nation on earth should image God, we all have national anthems and flags that symbolise the best about who we hope to be. Often reality is less inline with our ideals, Do some research of your national history and show how your nation has moved toward or away from God over time. Highlight good things and bad things in it’s history and keep in mind the story of God’s people in the Bible. How did they both keep and fail God’s call on them?  Sign up and Create a Timeline here for your nation.

Here is an example of the kind of things to include in your timeline.

This is a chance to express yourself creatively. Perhaps something in this part of the timeline has challenged, excited or inspired you. You may want to think about how you could express that through drawing, writing, painting, filming, designing or photographing something to share with others here at

Optional: In addition to the assignment above, please write a haiku, poem, song or create a piece to express yourself and share it with us!

Submit Creative Assignments

This is where Creative Imagebearers submit their creative assignments for each module of the coursework.

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      File format options: jpg, gif, png, pdf, mov, mp4, m4v, avi, txt, docx, ppt
    • Youtube, Vimeo, Google Drive, Dropbox,
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    Final Take-Away to give context…


    God was not done creating at Creation v 1.0. He wanted to join with us in another whole level of Creation v 2.0. This is where we are invited in as Junior designers and given authority to rule and reign over our small domain even while God keeps the whole Universe by holding it all together (Colossians 1:15). It is amazing that God gives us such power to impact on this human project. There is no sand box where we get to play with things that don’t matter much, God is giving us free reign within our limits. This is where we get thankful that each of us is limited, finite but gifted. So if we do evil, it is limited by our energy levels, short lives and that we can only be where our body is at any given time!

    You cannot not communicate Everything that God has made communicates Who He is; Since we are embodied, most communication is non-verbal. So in the same way our communication reveals not only our image bearing ability but also the depths of human depravity as a result of the fall. We move toward God and away from God through our Creations. We discover the atom and then build an atom bomb. We have incredible creative power and that power blows up in our face often. Yet, God does not remove our creativity or our imagebearing. His goal is not to eradicate us like vermin to solve the problem of sin. Instead He is going to redeem us as His Human imagebearers and restore us as the pinnacle of His creation by becoming one of us and fully human in Christ, yet without sin.

    Do you see the goodness of God as He enjoins us to bring beauty, order and abundance? Can you also see where we desperately need healing, deliverance and resurrection life? We are failed imagebearers who are not getting any better. Technology and humanism will not save us, if left to ourselves it only accentuates the problem… We will need a saviour from outside the system to come in, diagnose the problem and with discernment enact a solution. How will God redeem the whole world without annihilating us? Our humanity though good is a double edged sword and is capable of despicable evil.

    Your take-away


    Additional Resources: